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Cyber Crime: The Dark Corner of Internet (PART-2)

Writer's picture: Nayan TalwarNayan Talwar

This is a continuation of Cyber Crime: The Dark Corner of Internet, if you haven’t read that please click on the link below to read it.

I hope you all must be doing great. In this blog I would be discussing further about various “Types of Cyber Crime” - Have you ever wondered how did cyber crime evolve itself into various fields? How come criminals have their hands over internet so quick, in committing a crime? Our country is developing in variety of sectors, likewise the most upgrading and fast evolving sector is Information Technology. Ever wondered, what laws are there in force, in India, to curb Cyber Crime?

Cyber Crime are divided into various sub-types which includes-

Cyber Hacking: You must have come across this term atleast once. Hacking is pretty much common term used in today’s society and frankly it is the most common type of Cyber Crime. Most of you might think that hacking is modern day term, but honestly speaking it dates back to 1960s, when computers where not even properly functioning. Hacking in all involves breaching the security of your computer, smart phones devices and stealing all your personal data which can pave way to steal your money from bank accounts. Hackers generally attack Government portals. Recently in 2018, Aadhar portal was hacked which I had already discussed in the previous blog. Many people think that it wouldn’t happen to us; we take enough precautions, but let me tell you it can happen to anyone and we need to be more alert when it comes to storing sensitive information online.

Phishing: This is the second most common type of Cyber Crime, which involves getting call from unknown number who possess that he is someone from your company or bank and they ask you to share your personal information in face of updating details and when you share, they rob you of your money or valuables information stored online or in bank accounts. Classic example of Phishing would be- A person getting a message for sharing his account details on a note of his mobile number winning a lottery and the moment he shares that, the other person vanishes stealing the money from account. (Jamatara – a Netflix webseries in based on this concept). This is such high level of Cyber Crime that even Reserve Bank of India was not spared by this. Although the attack was stopped in time, by the RBI, by issuing a circular. These types of attack attempts make us think about its occurrence in cyber world and what steps to inculcate to prevent it. What as an ordinary citizen can we to do face this growing world of Cyber Crime? Do you think that just by knowing all these incidents, we can stop it?

Cyber Stalking: We all are familiar with the term Stalking. Cyber stalking and Cyber Harassment/Bullying is one and the same. The only difference is that, in this, the offender stalks his victim using internet and social media. Cyber Stalking also includes, sending threatening messages, making threat calls, stealing victim’s photo etc. A classic example of Cyber Stalking would be when a guy sees an unknown girl on social media and keeps stalking her each and every movement without her knowing about it. This comes under Cyber Stalking. Even though the term Cyber Stalking and Cyber Harassment is used as one and the same, both are different from each other slightly. In India cases of cyber stalking are majorly reported by females, nearly about 60% to 70% females get victimized. Maharashtra and Delhi have majority of cyber stalking cases.

Cyber Harrassment and bullying: Even though the term is used in relation to Cyber Stalking. It is different from Cyber Stalking. Cyber Stalking may or may not include Harassment. But Cyber Harassment includes giving threat calls or sending hate messages, death threats using the internet as the medium. It is one of those types of Cyber Crime that both common man and celebrities face on regular basis. Cyber bullies mostly try to harass or threaten known celebrity faces. Sometimes it is just for gaining attention and sometime it is to take revenge from that celebrity. Like recently I heard in news that a known TV Actress was given a death threat from another woman only because the actress expressed her views. Incidents like this are very common and therefore a strong law is required to stop all this Cyber bullying.

Cyber Pornography: Probably the type of cyber crime everyone must be familiar with. Cyber Pornography is an increasing nowadays when internet has become easily accessible even on small budget phones. It includes stealing a person picture from their social media and editing their face on porn video to make it look like that the person is actually in that porn video. Sometimes the offenders lure children using Internet by giving them free access to porn videos and making them perform the sexual acts and send videos of it. They even sometimes lure them to meet personally and then sexually exploit them. Recently, some steps have been taken to curb Cyber Pornography.

Cyber Theft: It is type of Cyber crime you might have seen in movies. A person comes in and inserts a pen drive in computer to steal sensitive information. That exactly is called Cyber Theft. But Cyber Theft is not limited to stealing data from the computer. It includes stealing computer system, hardware of the computer or even Identity of any other person. Many at times it happens so a person gets access to your bank account and then taking your identity he may call the bank and extract your bank information and use it to steal money from you account.

Protection and Prevention of Cyber Crime:

Whether it is Cyber theft, Phishing or Hacking, we are facing every cyber crime in today’s world. Is there a way to stop it? Yes, there is.

For the same purpose, in India, we have Information Technology Act, 2000 which deals with such cyber crimes. So the question comes up now How and where to complain? The answer is pretty simple. Each city has its own Cyber Cell. You just have to file a complaint to the person in charge of the Cyber Cell in your city. The officer will look into the matter and arrest the offender.

Information Technology Act, 2000 lays down punishment for different Cyber Crimes under section 65 to 67B. So also the Indian Penal Code covers number of Cyber crimes under section 420,463, 499 and 500.

In the end I would like to only say that even though in today’s world of technology where cyber crime has become a nuisance, we must not fear it. Face it and help end this problem from its roots.

This was all about Cyber Crime summed up in two blogs. Do share this blog to make more and more people know about Cyber Crime. Also let us know in comments your views about what you feel & how can we curb this crime.



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